Pathways to Therapy

For those who need support.

Some clients come to therapy because they are experiencing specific symptoms: low energy, inconsistent mood, difficulty falling asleep or fighting with their partner. The list of symptoms can feel endless. Going to therapy begins the process of understanding these symptoms and uncovering what has caused them. Through sessions you learn what your needs are and how to meet these needs. Chronic stress, anxiety, mood disorders and addiction can effectively be treated with the right practitioner and the right approach. Therapy is time set aside to focus on yourself and feel better.

man thinking about how to change things

For those who want to evolve.

Some people come to therapy when things are going relatively well. Doing so is strategic; an investment in therapy when you are doing well can keep stress at bay so you are more prepared for challenging times. Individuals often come to therapy seeking a space to explore their experience of being human: existential concerns, meaning of life questions, sex and sexuality, stage of life transitions or fear of death. Therapy can be a sacred space that allows you to talk about these complex and challenging topics openly.

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